On top of your game with sustainable innovation

We capture, structure, visualise and integrate your data to make decisions faster and more accurately

Challenge Statement

We help companies gain more revenue

It is a fact that companies who innovate gain more revenue, and innovation is what we do best. We believe innovating in a sustainable way is the key to building out a better company.


innovative organisations have 11% more revenue than their less creative counterparts
Why you should innovate

Adapt and overcome your challenges by using innovation as a solution

Adapt and overcome challenges of change

Innovation is often necessary for companies to adapt and overcome the challenges of change.

Enhance your economic growth

Achieve organizational and economic growth through innovation is key to staying afloat in today’s highly competitive world.

Separate your business from your competition

Distinguish your business from others by using innovation as trump card.

How we help you innovate

We can help you to take the right steps to solve your problems

Step 1


Analyse the current data architecture

We analyse the enterprise architecture, from PLC up to the enterprise dashboard. Once analysed, we listen to the business so we can learn what the goals are for your company. We provide a plan to build towards a scalable and future proof architecture.

Step 2


Collect data from everywhere to everywhere

Maybe all of your machinery is already connected and visible in the plant. But is it scalable? How is your data stored? Is it ready for what the future will bring? We provide the knowledge and tools to store your data in one place, accessible by all applications that need access, without compromising on security.

Step 3


Use your data to make better decisions

Measure. Learn. Improve. Repeat. Calculate OEE, build flexible MES solutions, integrate the plant floor with the ERP-system, create data lakes full of information, provide data for machine learning and AI. We help you build all of these things. Go watch our toolkit and see which tools are right for the job.
Tools & Software

We use the best tools out there to build the best factories. Discover why our tools are so great.


Controll & data-visualisation

Ignition is an open, scalable, universal platform that offers unlimitied licensing and instant web-based deployment – the perfect SCADA software solution

Timescale DB

Time-series database

TimescaleDB is a time-series SQL database providing fast analytics, scalability, with automated data management on a proven storage engine

Canary Labs

Data historian

Canary is the data historian that never cuts corners. IIoT data collection, site process historian, enterprise historian, and cloud solutions in one


Data Movement

HiveMQ's MQTT broker makes it easy to move data to and from connected devices in an efficient, fast and reliable manner


Time Series Platform

The Time Series Data Platform where developers build IoT, analytics, and cloud applications.


Analytics & Monitoring Solution

Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application.

Start innovating today

adapt and overcome the challenges of change by using your data as guideline

background data mesh
background data mesh
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